Alex Ju
Select Gallery To View:
Transmit (2025)
Oh No (2024)
Snap Lenses (2021 - 2022)
JewelJewel : Installation (2016)
JewelJewel : Pendant (2016)
JewelJewel : Video Stills (2016)
Virtual School Earrings (2021)
Movable Textures (2020)
Silver Jewelry (2020)
Aquatic Atmospheres (2018 - Ongoing)
HP - 3D Printed Interlocking Structures (2019)
Paohaus (2017 - ongoing)
HP - Kinetic Adornments (2017)
Selfish Research (2018)
Genericize (2018-19)
Bead Curtain (2017)
Oyster Birthday Party (2017)
Motherboard of Pearl Computer (2016)
Do Your Oysters Make Pearls? (2016)
The Oysters (2016)
Faith (2015)
PEARL Parure (2015)
Face with Tears of Joy Emoji Ring (2015)
i printed this (2015)
Interaction Research: Robotic Jewelry (2015)
Functionality in Wearable Tech (2015)
Dream of Akinosuke (2014)
Rome Sketchbook (2015)
Face to Face (2014)
Dining Philosophers Plate (2014)
Jellyfish Apocalypse (2014)
Renderings (2014)
Squelbow (2014)
Recording Head Brooch (2013)
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Hot Tub